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Tuesday, 9 April 2019 12:08:17 AM Pacific/Auckland

Normally people set up indoor grow operations because they live in an environment where you can’t grow plants year round, or because they’re trying to control the plant growth environment for some particular reason. Whatever your reasons for setting up an indoor grow operation you’ll want to take a close look at what your options are before you get started. If you’re just looking to grow one or two houseplants you may not need an elaborate set up, but if you’re looking to grow most of your family’s vegetables or you want to start a business to sell produce on the open market, things get a little more involved.

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Posted in Hydroponics Grow Tents By Michael D

Old School Marijuana Growers VS New School Growers – LED Grow Lights

Tuesday, 18 December 2018 10:16:45 PM Pacific/Auckland

If there is one thing that I know about growing marijuana, it’s that there is always a better way to do it. Another thing that I can say for sure is that there is an endless supply of people who are certain that they know exactly what that better way to do it is. The truth is, I don’t claim to be the best grower on the planet. I know many, many people that can run circles around me with their knowledge of growing cannabis. I definitely recognize that, and I think that being a humble grower that is willing to set biases aside and learn about what works and what doesn’t from people is vital to maturing as a cannabis grower.

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Posted in LED Grow Lights news By M Mike


Tuesday, 16 October 2018 1:16:43 AM Pacific/Auckland

When I first started to look into what I would need to create my own successful grow operation I didn’t think there would be too much to it. I was well aware that I would need some lights and some kind of appropriate structure for growing plants in, but I figured that was about it. As it turns out, that was just the beginning – there’s a lot more involved with growing plants indoors and if you don’t take the time to create the right environment for your plants you won’t have a lot of success.

Indoor grow operations require several things to be successful including lighting, the appropriate amount of humidity, proper ventilation to ensure CO2 levels are maintained, a controlled temperature, and, of course, there are safety concerns to consider as well. If you put all of these things in place and use them in the right way there is no reason that you can’t grow plants indoors that are as healthy as outdoor plants.

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike

Indoor vs Outdoor Growing: Which is Best For You?

Tuesday, 5 December 2017 2:11:02 AM Pacific/Auckland

The war wages between indoor grow and outdoor grow. Indoor growers love the ability to control their gardens, but outdoor growers tend to argue that only Mother Nature gives you the best yields you’ll ever have. With all the advantages and disadvantages of both, you’re probably asking which is the better of the two styles of growing?

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Posted in Hydroponic System News By M Mike